There are many hard and terrible things about life including unseasoned chicken, cheating spouses, and matchy-matchy furniture. (I am aware that the world is a dumpster fire, so don’t @ me about this list.) But one of the hardest and most soul-sucking things I’ve encountered in making my way back to code is the realization that in order to master the front-end stack, I must forget everything I learned in my senior web developer past.
Experience in a craft is a great thing, except when said craft has been completely reimagined. Currently, my brain is resisting new concepts because it remembers that we once mastered front-end development and is just a tad indignant about having to relearn this.
Just like you don’t put new wine into old wineskins, you can’t learn a new framework or skill by simply tacking it onto what you already know, and that applies to code, fitness, nutrition, everything.
So what’s the plan? Forget everything I know and approach coding and life with new eyes, an open mind and an open heart.